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always online 英文歌词(always online英文版的音译歌词)

2023-07-09 19:14:52 科技网


1、Always Online的英文版叫做Cries in a distanceCries in a distance - 林俊杰在远处哭泣 Can"t stop the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I"m just awaiting my turn 我只是在等待我的轮回 Hiding will never Save me forever 躲藏不能让我永远安全 The guns gonna get me for sure 枪支使我马上确信到这一点 Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend 亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友 Come to me and take my hand 过来握住我的手 Like mama would say 像妈妈说的那样 Everything will be okay 一切都会好起来的 All I hear is 3 2 1 我听到的全是 3 2 1 The scream from the guns 枪支的扫射声 And then 1by1 然后。

2、人们一个接一个(冲上前去) No one gets to run 没有人退缩 Someone"s dad or mom 是谁的爸爸...t you be my friend 亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友 Come to me and take my hand 过来握住我的手 Like mama would say 像妈妈说的那样 Everything will be okay 一切都会好起来的 All I hear is 3 2 1 我听到的全是 3 2 1 The scream from the guns 枪支的扫射声 And then 1by1 然后;s dad or mom 是谁的爸爸妈妈 Sister。

3、人们一个接一个(冲上前去) No one gets to run 没有人退缩 Someone"m just awaiting my turn 我只是在等待我的轮回 Hiding will never Save me forever 躲藏不能让我永远安全 The guns gonna get me for sure 枪支使我马上确信到这一点 Dear God I pray why won"t stop the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I"Always Online的英文版叫做Cries in a distanceCries in a distance - 林俊杰在远处哭泣 Can", brother and son 兄弟姐妹与孩子 No…no… 哦。
